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KM Labs is a vibrant and fast-growing company, that has developed a unique range of high technology laser products. KMLabs is the technology leader for high power, highest performance femtosecond laser systems, and the market definer for coherent EUV and x-ray sources.

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The KMLabs Griffin™ series of Ti:sapphire oscillators gives customers ultimate control over their system, are simple to maintain, and offer a wide range of performance specifications enabling many different applications.  These prism-based oscillators use Kerr lens modelocking to generate ultrashort < 12 fs pulses.  All Griffin lasers include computerized control of the spectral bandwidth and center wavelength and water-cooled breadboards for maximum long term stability. There are options within the Griffin series that include integrated pump lasers and diagnostics. Griffin lasers are very simple to maintain, since components are easily accessible.


  • Computer control of bandwidth and central wavelength
  • Designed for the needs of scientists
  • Pulsewidth down to <12 fs
  • Power up to 1.4 W with 80 - 95 MHz repetition rate
  • Bandwidth up to 700 - 920 nm

Overview: KMLabs Griffin Datasheet





The KMLabs Halcyon™ repetition-rate stabilized oscillator is popular with customers who need to synchronize oscillator laser pulses with pulses from another laser or with a synchrotron. Electronics included with the Halcyon lock its output to the customer’s reference signal and can provide timing jitter of less than 150 fs. Stabilization of the repetition rate is achieved through multiple features including a temperature-stabilized breadboard, a motorized stage for coarse feedback, and a small piezo-mounted mirror for fast feedback. The KMLabs team works closely with each Halcyon customer to ensure that the system meets their specific needs. Due to the flexible design of the Halcyon™, it can lock to reference signals over a very wide range:  75 MHz to 4 GHz.


  • Computer control of bandwidth and central wavelength
  • Pulsewidth down to <12 fs (optional <10 fs)
  • Excellent beam quality M² < 1.2
  • Power up to >1.4 W 
  • Configurable repetition rates from 75 - 102 MHz
  • Repetition rate locking
  • Low jitter <150 fs

Overview: KMLabs Halcyon Datasheet






New in 2017, the Stryde™ is KMLabs’ tunable ultrashort-pulsed Ti:Sapphire-based oscillator. It is a fully engineered and integrated commercial source based on a single rugged opto-mechanical platform.


  • Computer control of bandwidth and central wavelength
  • Pulsewidth down to <12 fs 
  • Excellent beam quality M² < 1.2
  • Power up to >500 mW
  • Maximum pulse energy >6 nJ 
  • One-box configuration with integrated pumps

Overview: KMLabs Stryde Datasheet





Tobias Heider
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: +49-(0)89-818 90 781
Mobil: +49-(0)151-227 95 965

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