With the extensive extensive know-how in key laser technologies developed, Evolase offers customized design of laser sources, which fit best to the customer's most demanding applications that not available as standard product from established vendors. The laser design which fulfils the most stringent customer requirements is delivered at the time and cost comparable to the off-shelf products.

UKKO ns-ps Laser
The UKKO series features rugged, industrial nano- and picosecond lasers for a variety of applications, such as: volume glass marking, structuring, micromachining, biological imaging, pumping OPOs/OPAs, microscopy, laser cleaning, Raman and glass modification.
- Up to 70 W at 1064 nm
- Up to 30 W at 532 nm
- Up to 12 W at 355 nm
- 50 kHz–20 MHz repetition rate
- Up to 60μJ pulse energy
- Pulse duration 50 ps
- Excellent beam quality M²<1.3
- Monolithic, sealed and rugged design
- Air and water cooled options
- Low life-time ownership cost
Download: UKKO Nanosecond Datasheet | UKKO Picosecond Datasheet

LDM Pulsed Laser Diodes
These pulsed laser diode modules can be pulsed as short 30 ps and are widely tunable into the nanosecond range. This makes them perfect for applications like time resolved spectroscopy, laser seeding, single photon generation, laser imaging and 3D scanning, Time-of-flight experiments and Optical Time Domain Reflectometry.
- Laser pulses as short as 30 ps and widely tunable in nanosecond range
- Peak power of more than 2 W for specific wavelengths
- Standard range of wavelengths covering the most popular spectral range
- Collimated free space output with detachable fiber pigtail or fixed fiber output
- Adjustable pulse duration for ns modules 1–100 ns
Download: LDM Datasheet

Erbium Lasers
Picosecond Erbium laser for a wide variety of applications such as: LiDAR, 3D-scanning, range finding, metrology
Key features:
- Up to 2W at 1550nm
- 35–500 ps pulse duration
- Up to 10 kW peak power
- Excellent beam quality M²<1.1
- Monolithic, sealed and rugged design
- Low life-time ownership cost
Download: EPFL Datasheet
Single-frequency Erbium Laser
Erbium single-frequency narrowband fiber laser with low noise level. Stability of laser parameters is achieved by active temperature stabilization in a wide range. The laser has small dimensions and can be built into a standard 19” rack or have an OEM design.
Due to the user-friendly front panel interface and flexible Ethernet (TCP/IP) interface, the laser can easily be used for research purposes in laboratories and measurement facilities.
- Wavelength: 1530–1580 nm
- Wavelength tuning: ± 20 GHz
- Bandwidth: <1 kHz
- Power: 40 mW–10 W
- Operating mode: Continuous
- Cooling: Air
Download: ER-SF Datasheet

UC-NS Nanosecond lasers
Small and compact nanosecond laser module for LiDAR and scientific research.
- Wavelength: 532, 1064 nm
- Output power up to 3 W
- 10 kHz–1 MHz repetition rate
- Up to 25 μJ pulse energy
- Pulse duration 0,7-4 ns
Download: UC-NS Datasheet

Multichannel Laser
Multichannel ultrashort pulse laser source with GHz repetition rate and flexible pulse pattern capability.
- Adjustable pulse duration: from 30ps to 100ns (depending on the LD used)
- Mutually non-coherent pulses
- Close to transform limit spectrum width
- User defined wavelength for each output from 365nm to 1550nm (defined by available LDs)
- Pulse repetition rate up to 1GHz
- Arbitrary pulse profile for pulses longer that 1ns
Download: LDM-PS/NS Datasheet
Dmitry Badyukov
Tel: +49 1515 112 11 14