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Established in 2000 Wasatch Photonics produces the world’s finest volume phase holographic gratings and spectroscopic instruments for retail and OEM customers. With this knowledge Wasatch has also specialized on the development and manufacturing of products for optical coherence tomography. Wasatch offers complete OCT systems as well as a line of confogurable modular components, e.g. spectrometers and probes, for customers that want to build highly specialized systems by themselves.

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 Wasatch Cobra
OCT Spectrometers

Wasatch Photonics’ Cobra OCT spectrometers fit a surprising amount of resolution, performance, and value into one small box. Beginning with our world-class volume phase holographic gratings, we’ve applied our expertise in spectroscopy to the unique needs of optical coherence tomography (OCT). The compact, high-throughput spectrometer designs provide exquisite detail at depths where other SD-OCT spectrometers struggle.

Ideally suited for use in both research and OEM applications, Cobra spectrometers offer many clear advantages over other devices: compact size, high throughput, minimal polarization dependence, optimal camera design and excellent roll-off performance. The Cobra spectrometer line’s unique engineering and optical design allow us to provide all of these features at a surprisingly affordable price, simplifying the decision of buy vs build. Learn more about the optimization of the spectrometer performance.


  • Available for 800 nm, 1050 nm, 1300 nm and new in the visible at 550 nm
  • Premier optical design with superior SNR & subpixel resolution
  • Near diffraction-limited optics minimize rolloff
  • Proprietary VPH gratings for low polarization dependence & highest efficiency
  • OEM ready: robust, compact & athermal

Datasheets: Cobra800 | Cobra S 800 | Cobra1050 | Cobra1300 | Cobra VIS





Tobias Heider
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Tel: +49-(0)89-818 90 781
Mobil: +49-(0)151-227 95 965